Rene has been with me since I started my recovery journey over four years ago. She
is supportive yet willing to help me see honestly any blindspots I may have in my
behavior that needs addressing or other perspectives to consider. She guided and
assisted me as I regained my Registered Nursing license and went through the
PEER program. She is kind, patient and considerate of others needs and has a way
about her that I wouldn’t change for anything.
I’ve had four therapists in my life and Rene White has been the best by far. In the two years prior to seeing Rene, I was in and out of mental hospitals five times and jail once. Once because of extreme paranoia and four times for manic episodes. Since seeing Rene I have not been hospitalized or in jail once. It has been seven years since I have had a manic episode. I’ve had manic moments, but they have all gone away within a day, without incident. I haven’t had a severe depression in nearly five years. Prior to seeing Rene, I dealt with extreme paranoia and anxiety. The paranoia was so extreme that I packed up my car and ran all over the west coast for nearly a year and my anxiety was so extreme that I went to the emergency room at least twice for anxiety. Anxiety and paranoia no longer haunt me. Rene has taught me, when paranoid or anxious thoughts come up, to I process them and then let them go. My ability to process and let go of paranoid or anxious thought has improved over time. What used to haunt me for weeks or even months, now usually takes me all of ten minutes to process and let go. I used to have ruminating thoughts that would consume me for days, weeks and even months. Through her comtemplative approach to therapy, she taught me to explore other reasons for things, which has helped me to control my ruminating thoughts. Now of course Rene doesn’t take any credit for my healing. As she likes to say, it was all me and I did all of the hard work. But we all know that without her guidance, I would not have known what work to do. I would highly recommend seeing Rene to anyone who is dealing with debilitating anxiety, mania and/or depression. It took a long-time and a lot of hard work, but thanks to her guidance, my life has improved dramatically.